• Why Replacing Your Plumbing Fixtures Can Be Good for the Environment

    Water is a precious natural resource that is used by all forms of life on earth. When you are working with your plumber to perform a kitchen or bathroom remodel in your home, you may want to inquire about the advantages of switching over to eco friendly plumbing fixtures. A bathroom remodeler that offers professional bathroom remodeling near Jacksonville can help you pick out an assortment of water saving fixtures for your household. Read on for a look at how replacing your plumbing fixtures can benefit the environment. new - plumbing - fixtures


    Your toilets are among the highest water using plumbing fixtures around your property. When you choose to replace your toilets, you can help you dramatically cut down on your daily water use. A toilet that was manufactured before the 1980s may use up to 7 gallons every time it is flushed. In comparison, modern toilets use a mere 1.6 gallons of water during a single flush. The water saving benefits of a new toilet will help to preserve fresh water.


    Replacing your faucets is another eco friendly choice for your home. With brand new faucets, you will be able to prevent wasteful water leaks and also reduce the amount of water that you consume when you turn on your tap. Additionally, you can choose to install a new faucet that has been constructed from environmentally friendly materials. Your plumber can guide you towards the perfect faucet selection for your home.

    Shower Heads

    Every time you take a shower, you will use many gallons of water. Using today’s low flow shower head technology, however, you will be able to carefully regulate the amount of water that is used during each shower. The advanced technology in today’s low flow shower heads allow these fixtures to deliver the same amount of water pressure, while using much less water. Replacing your shower head can also allow you to repair leaks and other environmentally unfriendly plumbing issues.

  • Can You Really Flush Flushable Wipes?

    Watching what you send down the drain can help you avoid the need to call a plumber serving Jacksonville to set up emergency services. This video will provide you with an overview of the items that can and cannot go down the drain. While flushable wipes are popular with many people, these wipes can actually clog your system when they are flushed down the toilet.

    If your flushable wipes are not able to break down properly in your sewer line, they could create a serious plumbing repair emergency. While flushable wipes manufacturers claim that they have tested their products for use in residential sewer systems, many homeowners have found that their wipes cause serious clogs. To avoid the need for emergency plumbing repair , you should only flush toilet paper down the drain.

  • What to Do If You Have a Leaky Faucet

    While a leaky faucet may seem like it is a minor plumbing repair problem, a recurring faucet leak can actually cause catastrophic damage to your home’s plumbing system. Even a tiny faucet leak can cause water damage to your plumbing fixtures, and can also waste serious amounts of water every day. Along with calling a plumber serving Jacksonville to set up plumbing services, there are a few steps that you can take to correct the problem on your own.

    To address a leaky faucet, it may be necessary to take apart the fixture itself. Using a wrench, you can loosen the nut that holds the faucet in place and take a look at the O ring. If the O ring is damaged, it may need to be replaced. In the event that you find that you cannot fix your leaky faucet on your own, do not wait to get in touch with a sewer and plumbing repair company that services your area.

    Fix Leaky Faucet in Jacksonville, TX

  • Is Now the Right Time to Upgrade to a Tankless Water Heater?

    There is really no wrong time to make an upgrade, and switching to a tankless water heater in Jacksonville is exactly that. Tankless water heaters boast many advantages that other types of water heaters cannot, making them an increasingly popular choice. Switching to this type of unit is good for the environment as well as your bank account, and a qualified plumber should have no problem helping you make the conversion. If you have been wondering if it’s time to upgrade to a tankless water heater, feel free to keep reading and find out.

    After hearing about the benefits of tankless water heaters, you might already be itching to make the switch. The good news is that there is no reason to wait. Tankless water heaters are more efficient and convenient than traditional water heaters, and they can be ideal for any type of home. They are smaller, making them appealing options for those who don’t have much space to work with, and they are more energy-efficient and can keep your bills low. Tankless water heaters are even more durable than conventional water heaters, so talk to your plumber about switching over to a tankless model.

    Tankless Water Heater Installation in Jacksonville, FL

  • A Look at the Environmental Benefits of Remodeling Your Kitchen

    Calling the kitchen remodeler near Jacksonville and getting your renovation underway is exciting, but did you know that it might also be good for the environment? When you replace your water heater, dishwasher, or sink, you present yourself with an opportunity to make your kitchen more efficient. You can even change your windows for more efficient models and enjoy a brand new aesthetic that you can feel great about. The fact that you are renovating an existing kitchen instead of building a new one can be good news for the environment in itself. Take a look ahead for more on the environmental benefits that come with a kitchen remodel. Benefits of Remodeling your Kitchen

    Upgraded Appliances

    Modern society recognizes the importance of efficiency and environmental friendliness, so it’s no coincidence that today’s kitchen appliances are more efficient than ever. Before you start your kitchen remodel, look at your options in terms of dishwashers, sinks, water heaters, and any other appliances you plan to have in your kitchen. Keep an eye out for an EnergyStar label, which can give you detailed information regarding the efficiency of each unit. A more efficient unit results in less waste and a more environmentally-friendly kitchen.

    Efficient Windows

    Just like your appliances, your windows contribute to your energy uses, but the right windows can also contribute to energy savings. If you find yourself leaving the lights on in the kitchen most of the time, consider addressing the lack of natural lighting in your home. You can use your kitchen remodel as an opportunity to install bigger windows that let more sunlight into the home. In addition to reducing the need for artificial lighting, this can also enhance your view of your outside property.

    Less Need for New Materials

    When you decide to undergo a kitchen remodel, the extent of the renovation is up to you. Even a small remodel can make a huge difference, and it will leave most of the space intact. The less you need to complete your remodel, the less effort must go into bringing in new materials; consider recycled materials for an extensive kitchen remodel.

  • What Is and Isn’t Safe to Flush

    Unless you have an ancient model that hasn’t been properly cared for, you shouldn’t be calling your plumber for toilet repair near Jacksonville on a regular basis. If you are having problems with your toilet or sewer, you might be creating them. Watch this video to find out what is and isn’t safe to flush down your toilet.

    There are 3 types of materials and substances that your plumber can tell you are meant to be flushed down the toilet: solid waste, liquid waste, and toilet paper. If you are introducing paper towels, feminine products, and diapers into your toilet, you can assume that you will run eventually run into some trouble. You are especially vulnerable to toilet clogs if there is a flaw in your drainpipe; materials that don’t dissolve in water will catch onto these flaws and create an obstruction. Be conscious of what you flush down your toilet and keep your plumbing systems efficient.

  • Water Heater Meltdown: When to Repair and When to Replace

    Even for native Floridians, it can be difficult to get through the cooler months of the year without a functioning hot water heater near Jacksonville. If you notice that your water heater is acting up, you can either have it repaired or replace it altogether. It’s not always easy to tell which is the right call, so be sure to talk to your plumber and ask any questions you might have about what is best for your unit. Ahead we’ll discuss when it’s right to repair your water heater and when it’s best to have it replaced. water - heater

    Repair an Efficient Water Heater

    If you’re dealing with a broken water heater, make sure you remember that no unit is perfect. Just because your hot water heater had a slip up doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s time to do away with it; this is especially true if your unit is on the newer side. If you have only purchased your heater within the past couple of years, it may also still be under warranty. If your hot water heater is broken down but can be repaired in a way that will fix the problem for the foreseeable future, go for that repair rather than full replacement.

    Replace an Old Water Heater

    While there are many reasons to repair a hot water heater over replacing it, there are just as many reasons to do the opposite. An aging hot water heater may have been the beneficiary of many repairs over the course of its working life; if it continues to break down, you will have to keep pouring money into it. It’s a good idea to replace your heater if the repair cost would set you back by half of the price of a new unit.

    Get a Second Opinion

    There are countless factors to consider when deciding if you should repair or replace your hot water heater, so talk to your plumber before you make a decision. Your plumber should be able to assess the problem and let you know if it’s better to fix it up or start looking for a new unit.

  • The Benefits of Replacing Your Shower

    A bathroom remodel is a fantastic investment for your property. When you are working with plumbers in Jacksonville to plan out your bathroom design, you might want to consider replacing your old shower. A new shower will provide you with many advantages, while also helping to improve the safety and overall efficiency of your bathroom space. Your plumbing team will be able to help you plan and execute your shower replacement, from start to finish.

    One of the top benefits of replacing your shower is that a new shower installation will dramatically improve the style of your bathroom. As you plan out your new shower design, you will also have the option of including innovative features, such as slip resistant flooring and a state-of-the-art enclosure. You can also improve your comfort by choosing a spa-like shower head that features several different setting. An experienced plumber will be able to help you create the luxurious shower that you have always wanted.

    Shower Installation in Jacksonville, FL

  • Steps You Can Take to Go Green at Home With Plumbing Changes

    Making simple changes around your household can help protect the environment and preserve valuable natural resources for future generations. If you are wondering about how you can go green at home , you may want to talk to your plumber serving Jacksonville. With quality plumbing repair services and innovative bathroom design, you can create an eco-friendly plumbing system that conserves water and energy. To help you get started on your environmentally savvy plumbing design, here is a look at some simple plumbing changes that will help you go green at home. fixing - leaks

    Fix Water Leaks

    Fixing water leaks is a major step towards improving the environmental impact of your home plumbing system. A pinhole leak can waste thousands of gallons of water on an annual basis. Even if you have not noticed the signs of a leak in your home, your plumber can use leak detection to find hidden problems in your pipes and fixtures. Repairing hidden water leaks can dramatically cut down on your water use, while also helping to prevent mold and water damage in your home.

    Replace Your Water Heater

    Your plumber can help you choose a water heater that is efficient and environmentally friendly. To benefit from the latest advances in water heater technology and design, you may want to consider replacing your conventional water heater with a tankless unit. By creating hot water only when it is needed, a tankless water heater saves energy and water. Switching over to a tankless water heater is an eco smart choice for your household.

    Install Low Flow Fixtures

    In recent years, many plumbing fixture manufactures have been incorporating state-of-the-art water saving technology into their designs. A new high efficiency toilet, for example, can save gallons of water during every flush. Low flow shower heads and faucets will also save a significant amount of water every day. Using advanced technology, these low flow fixtures offer superior performance and comfort while allowing you to reduce the amount of water that is used when you turn on the tap.

  • 3 Reasons Homeowners Love Tankless Water Heaters

    Shopping for a new water heater can be a daunting decision making process. Whether your current hot water heater has reached the end of its lifespan, or you are seeking better efficiency from your current water heater system, you may want to talk to your plumber serving Jacksonville about the benefits of installing a tankless water heater . A tankless hot water heater will provide you with exceptional reliability and ease of maintenance, while also making sure that you never run out of hot water at home. Let’s review the top three reasons why homeowners choose to make the switch to tankless water heaters. Reasons to switch to Tankless Water Heater

    Improved Efficiency

    A conventional hot water heater can be a major drain on your monthly energy bills. Since conventional hot water heaters store heated water for future use, they use electricity or natural gas throughout the day and night. A tankless hot water heater can boost the efficiency of your water heating system by up to 50 percent. Homeowners who want to cut back on their monthly bills love the improved efficiency that tankless units have to offer.

    Compact Design

    Along with saving you on your monthly bills, a tankless water heater can also save space in your home. When compared to conventional water heaters, tankless water heaters are extremely compact and space saving. Rather than requiring bulky tanks, tankless water heaters produce hot water as it flows through your plumbing system. Homeowners who want additional storage space or living space will enjoy the compact design of a tankless water heating unit.

    Fantastic Longevity

    After you have installed a tankless water heater in your home, you can rest assured that your system will last for an extended period of time. In fact, the life expectancy of a tankless water heater is up to a decade longer than a conventional system. With their great efficiency, space saving construction, and long lifespans, tankless water heaters are terrific investments for many households.